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Tango: A Horse in Need

Tess M, Ashley F.

“Follow My Lead” or Tango, as most know him by, was a very active horse. Tango loved to play games in his field, he enjoyed cantering around a ring, jumping and just having fun. He loved hanging around with his riders and his owner, and he loved being with his best friend, Nick. He was a great horse to ride and to be around.

But one day he got sick, and it was very troubling to see such a happy horse turn into a very sick, tired one. He got better and everyone thought he would be healthy for a while, but, less than a month later, he didn't eat. Tango had been found in his stall, before a ride, and his food bucket was still half full. There wasn’t a very reasonable answer for this because he had been given his food about two hours earlier.

His blood test came back with some very shocking news. Tango, one of the most popular lesson horses, had come down with a liver ailment, which veterinarians are struggling to find a cause and cure for. He couldn’t be ridden like he was before and just wasn’t the same horse.

His owner, Christina, had put up a gofundme ad and he has raised around $1,000 dollars and more than half of his goal of $2,000. Tango is a very loved and appreciated horse, if anyone could find it in their heart to help a sick horse, he would appreciate it.

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