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What is Global Citizenship Club?

Maureen F.

Do you love finding out more about Global affairs? You should join Global Citizenship Club or GCC! GCC is a club run by Ms. Hope in the high school as well as in the middle school with a little help from middle school Mrs. Barry. As of right now we have 30 members and 15 in the Middle School and we are always looking for more members. GCC does information campaigns, fundraisers, and even just discuss Global Issues. We just recently partnered with Amnesty International and hosted Human Rights Week where we had students write letters to governments in foreign countries that violated Human Rights. We meet every day 3 in Ms. Hope’s room during 3rd lunch and Middle school GCC meets after school. “The world faces global challenges, which require global solutions. These interconnected global challenges call for far-reaching changes in how we think and act for the dignity of fellow human beings. it is not enough for education to produce individuals who can read, write, and count. education must be transformative and bring shared values to life. It must cultivate an active care for the world and for those with whom we share it… it must give people the understanding, skills, and values they need to cooperate in resolving the interconnected challenges of the 21st century.” -Ban Ki-moon

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