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Traveling Stag- Ireland

Tess M.

Stewart National Airport, New York

This stag is ready for vacation!

On the Plane

It's a long flight, but it'll be worth it!

Torc Waterfall, Killarney National Park

This gorgeous waterfall is located in Killarney, County Kerry and can be found right at the base of Torc Mountain. There is a stairwell leading up the mountain and at the end of the stairs, you can find a better view of Middle Lake. The waterfall is approximately 20 meters high and is a great spot for tourism.

Knocklong, County Limerick

Knocklong is a small village in County Limerick. The town was originally known as Druim Damhghaire, the Ridge of the Oxen, but the name was changed to Cnoc Luinge (Knocklong), the Hill of the Encampment. There is a path up from the small area of cottages that leads up a hill to a ruin. This ruin is the Knocklong Castle, from when Cormac, King of Ireland, set up his camp when he invaded Munster. Although, Knocklong is a small village, it played a big role in Irish history. Knocklong is most famous for the rescue of Seán Hogan, which took place at the railway station in Knocklong during the War of Independence on May 13, 1919. There is an old Irish “legend” of how Cormac invaded Munster. The story goes that the king of Munster had consulted with a Druid to use his magic powers to help stop Cormac’s forces in a big battle that is said to have taken place around 250 BC. The reason why Knocklong is called “the Hill of Encampment” is for when Cormac set up his forces on the hill where the Knocklong Castle ruin is built.

Ross Castle, Killarney

Ross Castle was built in the late 15th century by an old clan, the O'Donoghues Mor (Ross), though the ownership of the castle was handed over to the MacCarthy Mór, during the Second Desmond Rebellion of the 1580’s, who then leased the castle and its lands to Sir Valentine Browne, ancestor of the Earls of Kenmare. The castle was one of the last to surrender to Oliver Cromwell’s Roundheads during the Irish Confederate Wars. It was only taken when artillery was brought by boat on the River Laune. Lord Muskerry (MacCarthy) held the castle against an attack from Edmund Ludlow, who brought 4,000 foot soldiers and 200 horses to Ross Castle’s door. Unfortunately, Ludlow attacked the castle with the artillery on the water, not with the soldiers he brought with him. The Irish had a prophecy that Ross Castle could never be taken until a warship could swim on the lake, which was an unbelievable prospect. “Ross may all assault disdain. Till on Lough Lein strange ship shall sail”.

At the end of the wars, the Brownes were able to show that their heir was too young to have taken part in the rebellion and they retained the lands. But by about 1688, when they had built a mansion near the castle, their connection to James II of England caused them to be exiled. The castle became a military barracks until early in the 19th century. The Brownes chose to not return, to live at Ross and built Kenmare House, near Killarney, instead.

There is a legend that O'Donoghue leaped or was taken out of the window of the grand chamber which is located at the top of the castle and disappeared into the lake, along with his horse, his table and his library. It is said that O'Donoghue now lives in a huge palace at the bottom of the lake and from there, he keeps a close eye on everything.

Stone Circle

There are many stone circles in Ireland. Many stone circles have been standing for 3000 to 5000 years and are still standing today. A lot of the circles are in alignment to other circles or sacred sites while some, not all, are thought to be tombs. These stones are shrouded in so much mystery that no one really knows an exact purpose for them, how they got to where they’re placed, or how they were used.

These stone circles are composed of many, huge stones that people, today, would still struggle to move. Most historians think that these stone circles could have been used as a place to perform rituals, but they may have also served as calendars.

This specific stone circle that I visited, was a ring of huge stones. Some of the stones were as tall as me, maybe taller, and the circle could have been as big as a small cottage. Not all stone circles are the same. The one that I saw was very big, but composed of smaller stones, compared to other circles. There are some circles with stones as tall as the first story of a house, some even bigger. However, those stone circles are normally a lot smaller. Stone circles are a mystery to historians all around, and thinking of them can bring up a couple of questions. Who put them here? Why would they leave them here? What was the purpose of these stones? Who died here? Many of these questions still go unanswered, and some may never be answered, who knows?

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